Yes indeedy! No, not the now Holy Grail 33 negatives that I bungled on getting previously, but another set of 27 rare negatives from the SFX Archive. This is now the third such auction on Culp photo negatives from the movie “Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice” that I’ve seen on eBay and is the second one that I had the smarts enough to bid or buy now on. (You can read about the first set I purchased and see the photos here.)
I’m indebted Tatia on the I Spy Forum for spotting this auction and posting about it. (You know…information, Kel 🙂 )
Here’s the scan that the SFX Archive had with their auction…
Enticing right? You bet! Especially the ones of Culp in the full leather get up. And the ones in the white shirt and brown cords with the movie camera. And…oh yeah the white swim trunks and red jacket… (SOLD).
Just as before, I had the photos done in 8 x 10 prints and this time also had them put on a CD. Yeah, I’m finally getting the hang of this I think…
Here’s the rundown…
A couple of these are not clear focus which is unfortunate. #3 and #4 are my favorites. That last one…somebody’s getting an opinion or something!

I love these with the movie camera. My personal favorite is #2 and #5.
Heh heh, yeeeah….and gee, they all were clear focus. What luck!
From the dinner scene. Wonder what somebody said in the second photo to get THAT look?
I dunno about y’all but the first pic does not match any scene in the movie that I can recall. The second one is at the “retreat,” third is from the bathroom scene and the fourth is from the Vegas scene.
All in all, another fine addition to the Culp Collection. I’m still keeping my eye out for those 33, but I’m very glad to have these gems in the collection!